The Dragon’s Cave: A Choose Your Own Adventure Comic
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook | Pleated Jeans]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook | Pleated Jeans]
Oh no Jessica’s been kidnapped! It is now up to our 3 heroes Cody, Guy and Hagar to save her! Experience the action in this new experimental 360 video where you control what you see! INSTRUCTIONS: -If watching on computer; use the little thingy at the top left of the screen, with the arrows, to […]
So that is the sphinx from the first Tomb Raider game. Notice how it looks like it herps and derps at the same time. The funny part is, at the time, we thought those graphics were insane. Now we see those graphic are, well, begging to be killed and put out of their misery. Imgur
Here it is, folks. The Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – launch trailer. Please do not pretend this doesn’t look fantastic because it does. [Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain]
Let’s not pretend Just Cause 3 doesn’t look like it’s gonna be one of the most bad ass and fully destructible open worlds because we all know it is. This developer diary only has me more excited for the game. [Just Cause 3 | Via Gamespot]
[Source: Cosmics Comic | Like “Cosmics Comic” on Facebook]
Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly. Late instar caterpillar feeding to pupation to eclosing from a chrysalis as a Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) [FrontYardVideo]
[Source: The GamerCat]
When I first heard about Until Dawn for PS4, I drooled. A horror themed game influenced heavily by 80’s slasher movies. Yes please, sign me up. The gameplay was said to be very Heavy Rain-esque with choices you make during intense moments having impact on how the game plays out and who lives and dies. Being […]
A short video taking a look at each playable Autobot character’s unique fighting style and specialized moves from Transformers: Devastation, Activision’s upcoming action hack and slash game based on the original Transformers cartoon from the 80s. [TRANSFORMERS: Devastation]