This Magical “Floating Card” Illusion Will Confound You [Video]
Impressive. Most impressive. [StatusSilver]
Impressive. Most impressive. [StatusSilver]
BBC Earth has teamed up with the SpongeBob SquarePants team to plunge deep into the oceans and take a look at why Plankton might be the most important life form on this planet. What, humans aren’t the most important life forms? They might be in our heads, but we’re not all that important… except to […]
If you’ve played Witcher III, you know what this is about! :) [Source: ActionTrip Comics | Like ActionTrip on Facebook]
From Barry Craig: So, I duct taped a Superman figure to my Phantom 3 and flew it over Victoria Park. Glorious! [Barry Craig]
You know you want a BB-8 droid of your own, and now you can finally order one. $149.99 from Over the years, the magic of Star Wars has always lived on screen and in our imaginations. Thanks to our advancements in technology, we’ve made it possible to bring a new part of Star Wars: […]
Following our visit to the National Museum of Computing (see Part 1), we returned the next day for Bletchley Park proper. It’s a deceptively huge visitor facility which begins with two brief exhibition galleries designed as an introduction to the context of the second world war and the general codebreaking process. Useful as these were, […]
Today is Force Friday, so all we see on the web this morning are posts about awesome new Star Wars toys and merchandise. Amazon has a section dedicated to the event. Thinkgeek has one too. And Pottery Barn is selling a Millennium Falcon bed for just *ahem* $3,999. Yes, this is for a single bed… […]
I just pre-ordered this AWESOME Force Awakens First Order Stormtropper helmet from Anovos, and I hate myself… but just a little bit. I’m sure it’ll quickly pass. I’m also poorer by $200, but it could be worse: if you order in October, the price will go up to $249.95. Estimated shipping date: January 2016. This […]
Russia-based Cosplayer Tniwe looks absolutely phenomenal as Samus from the Metroid franchise, and the pictures from Aku 悪 look totally perfect too! Wow. Just wow. [Cosplayer: Tniwe Cosplay | Photography: Aku 悪]
Cosplayer Dadboy made this amazing Zerg Hydralisk costume and strolled around the Otakuthon 2015 convention last month in Montreal. Sure, no one seemed really afraid of him at the con, but I wouldn’t wear this while taking my dog for a walk. It’s just asking for trouble. [MKTK1]