If Insurance Companies Were Honest [Video]
Cracked pokes some fun at insurance companies by producing an “honest” commercial for the various services they offer. Can’t say I totally agree with them, but it still made me laugh. [Cracked]
Cracked pokes some fun at insurance companies by producing an “honest” commercial for the various services they offer. Can’t say I totally agree with them, but it still made me laugh. [Cracked]
Lego Game of Thrones, huh? That sounds a little traumatizing, actually. (Zoomin. TV. Games)
The folks from A Plus had a bunch of people rate their own success on a scale of 1 to 10. Then, they asked their loved ones to do the same, their answers told a totally different story. [A Plus]
Could you survive 28 days on the run with the state using its resources to track you down? That’s what 14 contestant are doing (in closely simulated form) on a British TV show that’s like a non-lethal Running Man. While it’s questionable how pure a documentary Hunted is, it certainly provokes thought about the tactics […]
Warning: This is from The Onion. He might only be in kindergarten, but data entry prodigy Jeffrey Peters is well on his way to a career of endlessly depressing temp jobs. [The Onion]
In response to the Batman V Superman trailers, Batman sings about how they now have BAT BLOOD. [HISHE]
Iron Man has faced some truly formidable foes over time (and just wait until him and Captain America fight it out in Civil War next year). Here is the definitive list of Iron Man villains, from lamest to greatest. (WatchMojo)
Gamespot wants you to know what game they enjoyed most this month, and that they think YOU will enjoy the most, too. To be honest, the choice may surprise you in the same way a killer would if they jumped out and stabbed you in the neck. That was also a hint at the game […]
Gizmo and Star-Lord’s dad team up for a prison escape that is even more epic than Guardians Of The Galaxy! [Mashed]
A Disney’s Frozen Re-edit to make Elsa look like the villain. [BloodBlitz Comedy]