Happy 30th Anniversary Super Mario! [Video]

Happy birthday Super Mario Bros! Exactly 30 years ago today, the first Super Mario Bros. video game was released in Japan along with the original NES console. Nintendo sold around 40 million copies of the game, and since then, over a quarter billion titles of the franchise were distributed throughout the world! To celebrate this […]

Twelfth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver Programmable TV Remote

From Thinkgeek: With 13 gestures and 3 memory banks, you can store up to 39 remote control codes on the Sonic Screwdriver: plenty to control all of your Earth-based entertainment equipment. In Control Mode, each gesture triggers a classic Sonic Screwdriver sound effect and the tip illuminates with a bright green light. (There’s also a […]

These Frankenstein Light Switch Plates Are Perfect For Your Mad Scientist Laboratory!

From Etsy user 3DPrintingEgg: Have you ever wanted to be a mad scientist? Now you can at least have light switches like one with this awesome item. The “Frankenstein Paddle Light Switch” fits a standard flip light switch. We supply the parts unpainted, so you can paint these to the color you desire. These would […]

The Evolution of the Stormtrooper Helmet: From 1977 to Today (Pics)

Prop maker extraordinaire Leo Berghuis recently took this cool photo of all his Stormtrooper helmets set on a table to show the evolution of the iconic helmets, from the phase 1 clone trooper helmet on the left (above,) up to the new helmet from “The Force Awakens” on the right. You can also see the […]