Coding Rhapsody [Comic]
Be sure to read this one while having Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” in mind. [Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
Be sure to read this one while having Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” in mind. [Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
Yay, another one! [Fallout 4]
Thanks to Thinkgeek, you can now have a giant inflatable Jabba the Hutt lawn ornament (6 ft. tall x 10 ft.) to put in front of your home this Halloween! Yang chas Solo chone Wookiee! This Star Wars Jabba the Hutt Inflatable… inflates in just minutes. It has a built-in blower fan for easy inflation […]
Watch as Gav and Dan from the Slow Mo Guys discover a new way to serve serve jelly to hundreds of people at once with a well placed Tennis serve. Filmed at 2500FPS with a Phantom Flex camera. [The Slow Mo Guys]
My brother-in-law knows six people with the same birthday today. But it turns out he’s wrong to think that noteworthy. Many readers will no doubt be aware of the birthday paradox, by which it only takes a group of 23 people before there’s a 50 percent chance of two people in the group sharing a […]
Asking people to rate you is just a bad idea. A really bad one. [genuinejerks]
Become the Critmeister with this awesome shirt from artist Domadraghi. Available for just $19.95 at The Neatoshop! [Lucky Game T-Shirt]
Yep, I just double checked, they all have doctorates! [Source: Texts from Superheroes]
Warning: Video contains 1 F Bomb. I certainly hope you’re not too hungry! :) [College Humor]
You pull on the toilet paper, Chewbacca screams. It’s as simple as that. [ArtZeroTV]