It’s Here: Daredevil Season 2 NYCC Trailer [Video]

Edit: The trailer was removed. I’ll put another one up once it’s online! The official trailer for the second season of Daredevil was released at NYCC this weekend, and it’s finally been uploaded online. The punisher and Elektra are in this one, even though we only see them very briefly. Check it out! [CBR Trailers]

Superman vs. Batman. Who’s better? Let’s Find Out Once and For All! [Comics]

The always awesome and very talented Kery Callen decided to finally put an end to the whole Batman vs. Superman debate by doing something very, ahem, logical: For decades, fans have argued who is the better superhero, Superman or Batman. It recently occurred to me that the best way to determine this is to see […]

New York Comic Con (NYCC) 2015 Cosplay in Pictures – Saturday [Gallery]

Yesterday was the biggest day at New York Comic Con 2015, and unfortunately, our last. Here are our final pictures of the con for your viewing pleasure! Many thanks to Rich from Aggressive Comix for covering the event for us! Please note that if you’ve missed our photos from Friday, be sure to check ’em […]