“The Legend Of Zelda: Symphony Of The Goddesses” Performed on the “Late Show” Last Night

Rejoice, nerds! This is the music that awaits you in heaven. “The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes” for the Nintendo 3DS System is available October 23rd. The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses is currently on a World Tour. [The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Heroes]

Geek Keeps His Console On for 20 Years to Keep Game Progress

Twitter user @Wanikun has kept his Nintendo Super Famicom (Or Super NES in the Occident) on for the past 20 years because he refused to lose his game progress in Umihara Kawase. Sure, back then, game cartridges had some integrated storage which allowed gamers to save their games, but unfortunately, the batteries keeping the storage […]