FREE eBooks: Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies Audiobook + Time Management For Dummies

Today on GAS, we’re offering you 2 FREE ebooks: the “Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies” audiobook and Time Management For Dummies. Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies Audiobook (A $9.92 Value) This friendly audio guide provides expert advice on how to identify, understand, and reduce the level of anxiety in your life. This audio book is the perfect […]

Collaborative Navigation Effort Between Flying and Walking Robots [Video]

¸ From the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich: Flying and walking robots can use their complementary features in terms of viewpoint and payload capability to the best in a heterogeneous team. To this end, we present our online collaborative navigation framework for unknown and challenging terrain. The method leverages the flying robot’s onboard monocular […]

World, Here is Canada’s Newest Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, Member of the Rebel Alliance

Didn’t you know, Justin Trudeau got caught as a member of the Rebel Alliance by the Galactic Empire back in 2012 at Montreal Comic Con? Here’s the proof. Yes, this is truly Canada’s newest Prime Minister as of today. (No, but seriously, Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, not of […]

Brick to the Future: A Stop Motion Edition of Back to the Future II [Video]

My friend Monsieur Caron, whom we featured a few times on GAS in the past for his fun stop motion Lego animations, has just released a Lego version of Back to the Future II in tribute to the “future” date from the movie, which is tomorrow! Be sure to check out the video carefully for […]