“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Trailer Breakdown [Video]
Star Wars The Force Awakens final & 3rd trailer! Easter Eggs! References! Things You Missed! [Mr Sunday Movies]
Star Wars The Force Awakens final & 3rd trailer! Easter Eggs! References! Things You Missed! [Mr Sunday Movies]
Watch as Marty McFly And Doc Brown somehow ended up at the โJimmy Kimmel Liveโ show yesterday night instead of arriving at Hill Valley, California, like in the movie. [Jimmy Kimmel Live]
This is really, really good. I love what the cinematographer did with this one! [Close Quarters Cosplay]
10 awesome “Back to the Future” tattoo in honor of “the future,” which I’m sure you all know by now, is today! https://instagram.com/p/7Rx_ZTxEUc/ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bobby Loveridge (@bobbalicious_tattoo) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ben Parker (@benparkertattoo) https://instagram.com/p/86HcYCKReS/ View this post on Instagram A post […]
I don’t think this has anything to do with Canada’s newest prime minister, but the Canadian Government has just issued an “official” recall on the DELOREAN DMC-12 model. Update: the link now returns a 404 so I’ve removed it from the post. Advisory details On a certain DMC-12 car converted into a time machine, a […]
A great new “Face Replace” parody of “Back to the Future II” featuring a new fun song from David Unger! It’s Back to the Future Day, and DUM went to the future; all the way to October 21st, 2015! That sounds like a paradox! Great Scott! [DavidUngerMusic]
Earlier today, Disney released a music-only version of the new “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” trailer, and Youtuber Tim Gonzales revised the footage to remove the drops in music during the segments where there was dialogue. The end result if absolutely beautiful and you should all watch it right now! :) [timgonzales.com]
How Back To The Future Should Have Ended – OR – How Back To The Future 2 Should Have Started! [HISHE]
For those wondering what the experiment does, observe: [Source: Lunar Baboon | Like Lunar Baboon on Facebook | Follow Lunar Baboon on Twitter]
Screw the hoverboards. Today is the end of futuregazing. Let me put that into context. I’m not saying people will never again imagine what the world of the future will look like. But October 21, 2015 — the day Marty McFly arrives in “the future” — may mark the end of a particular era in […]