Just Cause 3 – Story Trailer [Video]
So everyone is all “Just Cause 3 will be fun, but outside of the sandbox destruction, there will be no story.” Here, this story trailer is just for all of you. Yes, STORY trailer! [Just Cause 3]
So everyone is all “Just Cause 3 will be fun, but outside of the sandbox destruction, there will be no story.” Here, this story trailer is just for all of you. Yes, STORY trailer! [Just Cause 3]
Join Vin Diesel as he sits down with Geek and Sundry and Nerdist for a game of Dungeons and Dragons! [Geek & Sundry]
Facebook is to let users search all two trillion posts ever made on the site, subject to privacy settings. It hope to use the search as a way to gather real-time eyewitness accounts of news events. Previously Facebook search would only let you search content from your Facebook friends and any pages which you had […]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
Update: This is the final day of the sale! Be sure to click on the “50% Off” Header once at the site to have the coupon code automatically applied to your shopping cart! The folks from Busted Tees are currently holding a big sale on all of their t-shirts, offering them at just $10 each! […]
[Source: Jim Benton on Tumblr | Jim Benton (Official) | Like “Jim Benton” on Facebook | Follow “Jim Benton” on Twitter]
Need a hand? Man’s best friend can fill the void your phantom limb left behind! [Polaris]
A fully functional arm mounted grapple hook and hidden blade is something we think of as fiction but Colin Furze has managed to bring them to life and they’re awesome! [colinfurze]
A fantastic Halloween ouse light showby Youtuber KJ92508! 4 singing pumpkin faces, tombstones, hand carved pumpkins, strobes, floods, 2 Matrix boards and thousands of lights. All RGB LED except for the faces, floods and a few light strings. [KJ92508]
Said it before and will say it again. Rick and Morty is the best adult animated show on television right now. If you are not watching it the only excuse I can think of is you must hate yourself. Stop hating yourself. [Top10Memes]