Fallout Condoms: Safer Than Vaults
I have no words for this, but I approve of it 100%. Fallout “Vault Protection.” Pure genius. (Imgur)
I have no words for this, but I approve of it 100%. Fallout “Vault Protection.” Pure genius. (Imgur)
The Fallout games are full of weird quests that you doing weird things for weird people. In this video, OutsideXbox allow some of their commenters to mention their weirdest Fallout moments. Keep in mind, it is those very moments that make us love this insane and awesome universe.
Are we meant to be a monogamous species or are we destined to be cheaters? Find out in the latest episode of ASAPScience. [ASAPScience]
George Boole, the mathematician whose work indirectly made modern computing possible, was born two hundred years ago today. Boole’s work is one of the great examples of a seemingly abstract process having practical physical benefits, albeit around seven decades after his death. The British-born Boole developed a new form of algebra, with the difference being […]
A fantastic live action short set in the Metroid universe by Rainfall Films and director Sam Balcomb, featuring Jessica Chobot from Nerdist and America Young (Halo 5.) This is from the same people who made that amazing Wonder Woman fan film we featured a few years ago. [RainfallFilms]
Every year in Tokyo, Shibuya, the district goes totally crazy on Halloween day. It’s just like an outdoor edition of Comic Con! [Ice Block Films | Via IHC]
Behold: A recent tweet by Sir Patrick Stewart: That would be the perfect intro to a great joke, which would of course conclude with: “To boldly go.” [Source: Patrick Stewart on Twitter | Via Neatorama]
[Source: Jim Benton on Tumblr | Jim Benton (Official) | Like “Jim Benton” on Facebook | Follow “Jim Benton” on Twitter]
We are so used to some things that we stopped wondering about them. Like light. What is light? Some kind of wavy thing, right? Kind of. Listen to Youtuber “In a Nutshell” as he explains the science behind light. [In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt]
View post on imgur.com Yup, Dark Souls‘ is kinda like that. Over and over and over and over again. Please tell me you noticed who was looking in from the hallway? Little touches like that make this a masterpiece gif in every way. God Bless Imgur and the genius user who created this.