The Official “Fallout 4” Launch Trailer is Here! [Video]
Just 5 days to go. JUST 5 DAYS TO GO. I’m still sad that I didn’t get to pre-order the “Pip Boy” edition of the game though. :( [Fallout 4]
Just 5 days to go. JUST 5 DAYS TO GO. I’m still sad that I didn’t get to pre-order the “Pip Boy” edition of the game though. :( [Fallout 4]
Do you even realize someone is boxing this up RIGHT NOW? We are so close to Fallout 4 I can already taste my social life vanishing for years. FOR YEARS. [Order Fallout 4 on | (imgur)]
From the developer of three separate franchises about mass-murdering aliens, comes the series that launched the Xbox, pushed the Xbox 360- to new heights, and came out way too late to make the Xbox One relevant. [Smosh Games]
Makes me feel better about my own bad days, which seem to happen every day. It’s okay, Orgrim. We will buy you another one. {Imgur}
[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like “Poorly Drawn Lines” on Facebook]
The Star Wars saga is one of the best-known in the entire history of cinema, as a fan-favorite of every generation – and a brand new trilogy aiming to bring even more fans into the fold. But you would be surprised to know just how many scenes director George Lucas originally meant to include in […]
Watch as two swinging logs smash a 1,058-piece Lego AT-ST to pieces in slow motion, just like the Ewoks did. The AT-ST took around 3 hours to build and just 0.16 seconds to destroy. [WIRED]
Did somebody say Fallout 4? Here are the 10 games. We’ve linked each (below) to its order or pre-order page on for those of you who might be interested in ordering a copy. 1. Fallout 4 (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – November 10, 2015 2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (Xbox One, PS4, […]
As he does every year, graphic designer Anthony Herrera has released an awesome series of DIY Star Wars “The Force Awakens” paper snowflake patterns for the holidays, and the best thing is that they’re free! I’ve also included a “How To” video at the bottom of this post, because creating these paper snowflakes is not […]
Japanese researchers have found a way to make stiffer and harder glass. However, reports that it could mean phone screens stronger than steel are misleading at best, partly because of confusion over what has been measured. The work by the University of Tokyo and the Synchotron Radiation Research Institute, doesn’t involve any new materials, but rather […]