Cauliflower [Comic]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
Japanese cosplayer Masazi has what is most certainly one of the best Raiden costume in the world, and this video by “Rescue the Princess” showcases the suit in all its magnificent glory. [Rescue the Princess! | Masazi]
The 5th edition of Geekfest Montreal is currently being held this weekend at the “Collège de Maisonneuve” in Montreal, and since the convention isn’t too far from my place, I decided to go and attend some of the geek-focused panels that were being presented. Naturally, I also used the opportunity to shoot some cool photos […]
A new Halo multiplayer mode: Dance Battle! [The Warp Zone]
Someone, make this into a shirt and send me a print, stat! Brilliant stuff. The Imgur user who made this deserves a lifetime supply of Nuka Cola. [Source: The Happiest Place Left On Earth]
Just the perfect thing for fans of Chewbacca and cool drinks! Carry your drink around in Chewie’s can cooler. Or, rather, a little can cooler that looks like Chewie. Nobody will dare try to take your drink, because they know they’ll be faced with a mighty roar if they do. [Star Wars Chewbacca Can Koozie]
From Stereokroma: Take a closer look at soap bubbles, did you ever notice how colorful and vivid they can be? We captured iridescent soap bubbles close enough so that you can see all the trippy, psychedelic and crazy colors. At times it looks like a rainbow, and at others, like sections of the cosmos, an […]
[Source: Buttersafe Comics | Like “Buttersafe” on Facebook]
Inquisitive and adorable, BB-8 by Sphero is a little Droid exploring a brave new world. See what happens when an Astromech Droid from a galaxy far, far away finds a marble. [BB-8 Toy Droid]
People can say what they want about Nintendo. Say they are failing or falling behind. But little things like this show why Nintendo supporters are avid. Because Nintendo is actually quite rabid towards making its fans happy, and that says so much about the company. Imagine what EA or Konami would do here? It would be […]