Honest Trailer: Terminator Genesys [Video]
Arnold is BACK – and worse than ever in the disappoint prequel-sequel-reboot-spelling error that is: Terminator Genisys! [Screen Junkies]
Arnold is BACK – and worse than ever in the disappoint prequel-sequel-reboot-spelling error that is: Terminator Genisys! [Screen Junkies]
Yes geeks, now is time for another t-shirt giveaway from the Geeks are Sexy t-shirt store! Use the widget below to submit your entry (once per day.) We’ll be giving 5 t-shirts to 5 random people who participate (One per winner.) You have until Friday, 20th November to submit you entries! Please note that for […]
Yes, your body is incredible. Here why! [AsapSCIENCE]
Parisian artist Travis Durden has created a series of Greco-Roman-style statues modeled after popular Star Wars characters: The iconic Stormtrooper, Darth Vader, General Grievous, Boba Fett, and Yoda. These statues are currently on Display at “Galerie Sakura” in Paris at the “Contre Attaque” exhibition, which will end on January 15, 2016. [Source: Artist Travis Durden […]
Our pals from Thinkgeek are currently holding a big sale on a vast selection of products from a galaxy far, far away! The sale lasts until 11:59PM (ET) on 11/12/15. [Thinkgeek’s Big Star Wars Sale: Save Up to 50% Off!]
Last weekend, a giant 93-year-old power plant located in Marysville, Michigan, was destroyed to make place for housing, a marina, some stores, and more! Watch the impressive footage of the operation above. [CarWarz]
Not only would they be awesome at wielding lightsabers, they also have crazy good dance moves. [ROTO SCOPIC]
Using illustrations from XKCD, Minute Physics explains how to go to space using the 1000 most used words in the English language. XKCD’s new book, “Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words” will be release later this month and can currently be pre-ordered on Amazon.com. [Thing Explainer | Minute Physics]
In this episode of “Clueless Gamer,” Conan dons skin-tight Vault Suit to review Fallout 4. Look out ladies of the post-apocalypse! [Fallout 4 | Team Coco]