Best Crossover Ever [Comic]
Yep, that would be one hell of a movie/cartoon. [Source: Avenoire]
Yep, that would be one hell of a movie/cartoon. [Source: Avenoire]
Nashville is now home to a vending machine that dispenses cars rather than candy. And yes, it is a massive gimmick. It’s operated by a company called Carvana which lets customers buy cars online without having to deal with sales staff in person, whether that be because they dislike pushiness and pressure, or are just […]
My pals Nick and Gary from Sneaky Zebra were at Blizzcon 2015 last weekend and shot this amazing cosplay music video of the event! Check it out! We had the chance to get to Blizzcon 2015 and film with some next level cosplays! Featuring all sorts of impressive armour builds, costumes and even 3D printing […]
From Jonahan H. Liu. We watched Star Wars with our kids recently, and our toddler (2 and a half) really enjoyed the bits she saw before her bedtime. One of her favorite parts: the Imperial March. Here she is singing it to herself in her crib (as seen through the baby monitor). This might be […]
Imgur user Pinkymoon might be one of the best wives in the world… at least for a gamer! Here is what she gave to her husband on the game’s release day: I told my husband that I was pre-ordering Fallout 4 for him because there was a good deal on Amazon Prime, but I wanted […]
A comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Don’t blink! From Thinkgeek: Each Weeping Angel Christmas Topper is made of space age plastic and fits over the very top of your festive indoor plant (or plant simulacrum). The Weeping Angel has her face covered, averting her eyes from your gaze. But if you blink… if you dare blink… who knows what will happen. […]
A Jedi Knight fights with a Sith Lord at the Fencing Senior World Championships in Moscow (July 2015.) [School of Saberfighting]
T-Mobile says its customers will be able to stream video without it counting towards data caps. But the move has some catches and has raised some questions about net neutrality. Under the plan, known as Binge On, data from 24 apps will not count towards the data cap for anyone currently on a 3GB a […]
What if video game characters populated our Facebook feed? [Screen Junkies]