FREE eBook: Introduction to Windows 10 Security (a $24.95 value)

Today, we have a new free ebook for you guys! For a limited time, get “Introduction to Windows 10 Security,” which is usually priced at $24.95, for FREE! This book covers: -The current security landscape: Microsoft has taken a comprehensive top down approach to securing Windows 10 — you’ll learn why this is happening. -Securing […]

This is the Best Handsome Jack Cosplay Ever (From Borderlands) [Pics]

While strolling the web this morning to find content for you guys, I stumbled on what is probably the most awesome and realistic “Handsome Jack” cosplay I’ve ever seen. (Featuring Mary & Feinobi cosplay) Behold: Photo and edit: So Say We All Photo and edit: Caté Photosis Fantastic, right? It’s almost as if the character […]