Skating Domo-Kun Can’t Get Up! [Video]

どーもくん、氷上でのたうちまわり、たーちゃんポーズで場を持たせる気遣い。うさじいが救護を求めるも駆けつけたスタッフもスッテンコロリという、放送事故レベルなハプニングww会場ウケてる — KAOMIMI (@kaoru_mimi) November 29, 2015 During an ice skating performance, Domo-kun, the mascot for Japan’s national public broadcaster NHK, fell on the ice and just couldn’t get back up without a little help. This is both kind of sad and hilarious at the same time. :) どーもくん・オン・アイスでの悲報(笑) — 梶本潤 (@unta0430) November […]

MUST WATCH: The Shaman – One of this Year’s Best Sci-Fi Short! [Video]

Wow. Just wow. The dark year 2204, in a world that has seen 73 years of continuous war. Recently mankind re-discovered the arts of Shamanism. The Shaman’s school of thought believes that every person or object has a soul. During battle Shamans step over into the Netherworld to find and convert the souls of their […]