Jedi Force Prank [Video]
A young padawan uses The Force in front of innocent bystanders to get some ketchup for his hot dog. [MagicofRahat]
A young padawan uses The Force in front of innocent bystanders to get some ketchup for his hot dog. [MagicofRahat]
Is it bigger on the inside? Probably not, but if someone keeps filling it without you being aware of it, it can certainly feel this way! Size: 5.5 x 5.5 x 9.6 inches. Features a rubber seal on lid to keep your cookies fresh longer! [Doctor Who TARDIS Cookie Jar]
Most geeks LOVE Marvel movies, but could live without romantic comedies. For that reason alone Vulture has created this awesome(ly) strange mashup that shows us what a rom-com would look like if it took place starring some of our favorite spandex and leather clad superheroes.
[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like “Poorly Drawn Line” on Facebook | Follow “Poorly Drawn Lines” on Twitter]
どーもくん、氷上でのたうちまわり、たーちゃんポーズで場を持たせる気遣い。うさじいが救護を求めるも駆けつけたスタッフもスッテンコロリという、放送事故レベルなハプニングww会場ウケてる — KAOMIMI (@kaoru_mimi) November 29, 2015 During an ice skating performance, Domo-kun, the mascot for Japan’s national public broadcaster NHK, fell on the ice and just couldn’t get back up without a little help. This is both kind of sad and hilarious at the same time. :) どーもくん・オン・アイスでの悲報(笑) — 梶本潤 (@unta0430) November […]
Funny. [Octavia Torie]
When it comes to Star Wars toys, it seems us fanboys will never run out of collectibles. But out of the thousands and thousands, which are the best? IGN put together a nice list to help us wannabe Jedi out. Regarding the Leia figure seen above: Hot Toys has been placing a lot of focus […]
Wow. Just wow. The dark year 2204, in a world that has seen 73 years of continuous war. Recently mankind re-discovered the arts of Shamanism. The Shaman’s school of thought believes that every person or object has a soul. During battle Shamans step over into the Netherworld to find and convert the souls of their […]
Or has his consciousness moved to another host? :) [GameofThrones]
6 thing you probably missed from the latest Batman v Superman trailer. Breakdown! Easter Eggs! References! Things Missed! [Mr Sunday Movies]