Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Trailer Features Bebop and Rocksteady [Video]
The Trailer for TMNT 2 is here, and it features my two favorite villains of the series, Bebop and Rocksteady! Check it out! [Via TMNT]
The Trailer for TMNT 2 is here, and it features my two favorite villains of the series, Bebop and Rocksteady! Check it out! [Via TMNT]
James Gunn’s recently posted pictures on Facebook of the amazing coffee table he has sitting in front of him at work along with this story: One of our pre-vis animation artists had this incredible Awesome Mix Vol. 2 coffee table custom made, and it sits in front of us every day while we work on […]
Disney sent a life size BB-8 replica to Yolanda Gammp from “How to Cake It” to help her create a perfect BB-8 Cake, and she totally delivered! Just admire the result in the picture above, and for those who want to know how she made it, check it out in the video below. [How To […]
Researchers claim that ending a text message with a period makes it come across as insincere. But the study behind the claim raises some questions itself. A team led by Celia Klin of Binghamton University asked 126 undergraduates to look through message exchanges displayed on phone screens and as handwritten notes on paper. They were […]
From the company that’s been slapping a new coat of paint in the same game engine for almost a decade comes the game that was hyped up almost as much as the new Star Wars. Fallout 4! [Smosh Games]
The Dark Lord’s black gloves will protect your precious hands! By harnessing the power of the dark side, cooking dinner is that much more exciting. Whether you’re turning a well done taunting steak over a bare lightsaber blade, or pulling a dish of blue milk mac-and-cheese from the oven, these bad boys will keep your […]
Conan finally settles if Han truly shot first by revealing George Lucas’ never-before-seen footage of Han Solo vs. Greedo. No, but seriously, we all know the answer to that, right? [Team COCO]
The BBC has just released 2 trailers for the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special! This one will be called “The Husband of River Song.” Check it out! It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from Christmas Carols and Comedy Antlers. But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor […]
A fantastic mashup of two fantastic universes: Doctor Who and Sailor Moon by artist Darthfilart. Amy: Uh, Doctor, what in the universe was that? Doctor: It’s called a transformation sequence. I transform now. Transformations are cool. [Source: Darthfilart on Deviantart]
Two years ago, I featured a hilarious film called “Star Drunk,” a sci-fi movie written by and starring drunk people. Now, the producers of the film are taking the concept a step further with a web series! “Two years ago, a group of Porland-based filmmakers fond themselves surprised at the viral success of their short […]