This Play Arts Kai Variant Harley Quinn Cosplay Looks Fantastic!

This Play Arts Kai variant Harley Quinn cosplay looks by Yugana Senshi looks absolutely FANTASTIC! All these photos were taken by Foratshot. Model and Costume: Yugana Senshi Photography: Foratshot

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From July-August 2015)

We continue our look back at 2015’s news and subsequent developments with July and August. Numerous subreddits were hidden from public view by administrators as a protest against both the firing of employee Victoria ‘chooter’ Taylor and the failure to fill her role as organizer and administrator of Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions. The protests […]

The Tap Awakens: A “Star Wars” Tap Dance Medley ft. Sarah Reich [Video]

From PostmodernJukebox: With ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ smashing box office records this past week, we recorded this special medley of famous Star Wars themes to feature tap dance sensation Sarah Reich. Watch her amazing performance here, and may the Tap be with you! [PostmodernJukebox]