This Fan-Made Intro to an Upcoming X-Men Animated Series Looks AMAZING [Video]

A fantastic retro-style intro to an upcoming fan-made animated series by Youtuber joelyface featuring some of your favorite X-Men characters from the ‘90s comics and cartoons. New episodes are planned to be released every two weeks starting Jan. 19th. X-men: Danger room Protocols is an 18 episode web series that centers around Professor X putting […]

A Sad and Happy Story: Geeky Video Store Gets Second Life in Public Library [Short Doc]

After nearly 30 years in business, Portland, Maine-based video rental store, Videoport, closed its doors back in August 2015, but fortunately, its legacy endures thanks to the Portland Public Library. Most video stores from where I’m from are dead as well… all of them except for the Videotron SuperClubs, which are still in operation thanks […]