Enormous 6000-Piece LEGO AT-AT Time-Lapse Build [Video]
Youtuber BrickVault used over 6000 pieces of LEGO to build this gigantic LEGO AT-AT in a little more than 26 hours. Here’s a time-lapse video of the whole build process. Ouch. [BrickVault]
Youtuber BrickVault used over 6000 pieces of LEGO to build this gigantic LEGO AT-AT in a little more than 26 hours. Here’s a time-lapse video of the whole build process. Ouch. [BrickVault]
[Source: Charlie Higson – Heck if I Know]
What I told you was true, from a certain point of view [Shahan Reviews]
I have to say, Imgur user, you did a pretty awesome job making One Punch Man for Fallout 4. Only problem is, the game is gonna be super easy now because he can beat everything in one punch. Might be a slightly shorter gaming experience for you than most. Still totally worth it. Great job!
[Source: Dork Tower | Follow “Dork Tower” on Twitter | Like “Dork Tower” on Facebook]
New Year, new month, new games. Though it is still very early in the year there are still a few gems to keep your eyes peeled for this month! The new Final Fantasy coming this month may look a little cute, but it is still a new Final Fantasy so I am pretty hyped. Which […]
Warning: Spoiler alert! The deleted scenes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens extend beyond what was left on the cutting room floor and go back as far as 2012 when the filmmaking process began. That means there’s a whole lot of unused concept art, two scrapped versions including one by George Lucas and of course […]
Warning: Pixelated Luke and Leia smooching. “I incest… I mean, I insist…” Best. Line. Ever. May the Force be…way over there. Away from your sister. [Dorkly]
Animator Shmorky was recently hired by Adult Swim to create 10 animated spots for Adult Swim. “This is Fine” is the first one and is based on this Gunshow webcomic from artist KC Green. [AS IDs | Via LS]
Want to stick to your New Year’s Resolution? ASAP Science ha you covered with the science of motivation! [ASAPScience]