Man Performs an Acoustic Version of ‘Yub Nub,’ The Ewok Celebration Song [Video]

Because why not? :) When last we met our STAR WARS comrades, a year before the BATTLE OF JAKKU, and 30 years before THE FORCE AWAKENS, they were celebrating with the Ewoks upon the destruction of the second DEATH STAR over the moon of Endor. They sang a song of freedom, power, and glory for […]

Tom Clancy’s The Division: Agent Origins [Short Movies]

One game, 4 short movies by 4 brilliant Youtube channels. Just watch them all, they’re all really good. Inspired by the groundbreaking video game and created in collaboration with innovative YouTube powerhouses CorridorDigital, RocketJump, and Devin Supertramp, Ubisoft proudly presents Tom Clancy’s The Division™: Agent Origins. This thrilling live action video series follows the lives […]