PSA: Deadpool on Testicular Cancer Checks [Video]
Don’t forget, geeks, do it once a month after getting out of the bath or shower. Gotta love Deadpool. [Superhero Feed]
Don’t forget, geeks, do it once a month after getting out of the bath or shower. Gotta love Deadpool. [Superhero Feed]
[Source: Uber Tool Comics | Like “Uber Tool Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Uber Tool Comics” on Twitter]
If you guys are anything like me, you cannot wait to sink your sabertooth fangs into Far Cry: Primal. The newest chapter of this amazing series now sees us chasing woolly mammoths and training tigers to fight alongside us. For those of you as pumped up as I am about Primal, here are some of […]
Hey, get off your hoverboard self-balancing board. First thing, those are not hoverboards. They have wheels. Second thing, NO ONE looks cool on one… except for this guy. Third thing, well, they burst into flames. And in the worst case scenario, you end up looking like one of these people. And what self respecting human […]
[Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Like Poorly Drawn Lines on Facebook | Follow Poorly Drawn Lines on Twitter]
We’ve all got David Bowie on our minds and what better way is there for us to honor his memory than to explore trivia for the film Labyrinth! [CineFix]
Uber is hoping kids’ toy Bop It can help pacify intoxicated passengers. Its one of several tech solutions the company is trying out. The Bop It toy is being trialled in some Uber driver cars in Charlotte, North Carolina. For those who’ve not had the pleasure, it’s a stick-like device that has a variety of […]
We all know soda isn’t good for you, but how bad is it really? ASAP Science takes a look at how nasty Soda can be on your body. [AsapSCIENCE]
Watch part I here. [Brentwood Photography]
If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people… [Dorkly]