The Marvel/DC Crossover You’ve All Been Waiting For [Video]
This is the Marvel/DC crossover movie you’ve all been waiting for. You’re welcome. [Venus]
This is the Marvel/DC crossover movie you’ve all been waiting for. You’re welcome. [Venus]
It’s Groundhog Day meets Jackie Chan! Two short films by Eric Jacobus. [Eric Jacobus]
If it’s hot out and you’re in dire need of refreshment, just grab yourself an ice cold bottle of candy. Ouch. Truth hurts. [Cracked]
In this series of beautiful illustrations, artist Andrew Tarusov inspired himself from Tim Burton’s iconic style to reinvent movie posters from various classic Disney movie. Be sure to check ’em all out below! Artist Andrew Tarusov has illustrated a wonderful series of Disney movie posters in the dark, signature style of Tim Burton. the entire […]
Wow! Check out this video of lightning striking a tree @BishopTKGorman school here in Tyler Thurs. afternoon. #etxwx — Cedric Haynes KLTV (@CedricKLTV) January 22, 2016 A short video captured by a security cam in Tyler, Texas, featuring a tree getting destroyed from above by a lightning bolt. Be sure to check out the […]
You might think this is a joke, but it’s not. Deadpool is dead serious when it comes to teaching all you ladies how to perform your breast cancer self-exam. Warning: Illustrated guide on how to perform a breast cancer self-exam. [Superhero Feed]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
The last star in the universe will be a red dwarf. Red dwarfs in general might be great places to look for aliens – or planets for humans to find a new home after our solar system has died. [Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell]
From The Piano Guys: Hello/Lacrimosa (or “Chello,” as it has affectionately been called in the studio) is a musical experiment bridging 18th century spiritualism and 21st century secularism. Imagine Mozart and Adele in the same room in an intense co-write session, quill and pen in hand, respectively. Picturing this hypothetical hangout helped to spark the […]
If you’ve taken prescription medication, have you ever noticed the strange disclaimer, “don’t take with grapefruit juice”? There is a very good reason for that! Hank Green explains in this episode of SciShow Quick Questions! [SciShow]