Want to Lose Weight? Exercise vs. Diet [Science Video]
Which gives you the most bang for your buck when it comes to losing weight, exercise or diet? Asapscience breaks it down for you! [AsapSCIENCE]
Which gives you the most bang for your buck when it comes to losing weight, exercise or diet? Asapscience breaks it down for you! [AsapSCIENCE]
Star Wars and hip hop together as they were meant to be. WIRED’s Eric Steuer demonstrates how to get original trilogy figures doing sick headspins. [Wired]
Star Wars 7 brought out the inner fanboys and girls in a lot of us, but it’s been over a month. It’s now time to move on. [Awestruck]
These awesome cosplays designed by redditor 3dbdotcom mash up the world of the Super Mario Brothers with the Fallout Universe, and I have to say, I’m sold to the idea! [Sourceรฉ: 3dbdotcom on Reddit | Via Technabob]
[Source: Is It Canon by @RockPaperCynic and @BigSimpleComics]
Tinkerer extraordinaire Simone Giertz has built a state of the art robot that perfectly applies lipstick to her mouth at the press of a button. Check it out, I’ll take a dozen! [Simone Giertz]
A short video of two guys almost getting struck by lightning while they were looking at a storm on a dock in South Sydney, Australia. [Danielofficial97 Dudman | Via Geekologie]
Deadpool goes to Anime Impulse. D-Piddy as Deadpool [D Piddy]
Some plaid button-down shirts I’d actually wear! :) This short-sleeve button-up shirt in a black, white, and grey check has the Imperial logo on the left breast pocket and Darth Vader’s helmet on the back. These come with a fabric button tab so you don’t have to worry about how far up or how many […]
[Source: Adam Ellis Comics on Facebook | Follow Adam Ellis on Twitter | Adam Ellis (Official)]