Movie Plot Generator [Comic]
Geeky dinosaur time travels on Mars. Sounds awesome, right? :) [Source: John Atkinson – Wrong Hands]
Geeky dinosaur time travels on Mars. Sounds awesome, right? :) [Source: John Atkinson – Wrong Hands]
Surviving the zombie apocalypses is a very complicated matter…or not. [Studio C | Via Dorkly]
Here, let’s dissect the biggest disappointment in comic book movies since Spiderman 3. The most recent Fantastic Four. A true trainwreck of a movie. CinamaSins
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
Warning: Language. Would you be Deadpool’s Valentine? You know he looks like a very wrinkly Ryan Reynolds under the suit. [MTV]
Colin Furze is back with another crazy invention! Check it out! Is this the next step in drift evolution???? Maybe not but was a fun experiment so thought i had to share it with you all. So as you all love pulse jets and seem to want them on everything here we go i stuck […]
Yes, I know, these are super cheesy, but hey, this is what Valentine’s day is about, right? :) [Source: TheSherlockyOne | Via GG]
[Source: Toonhole | Like Toonhole on Facebook | Follow Toonhole on Twitter]
This beautiful set of “Setae Flatware” was created by the folks at the Francis Bitonti Studio using 3D metal printing technology. The product is then covered with sterling silver to create eating utensils that would look perfect on a table at an Elven court. [Source: Francis Bitonti Studio]
Armed with an iphone, Sharpie, paint pens, and lots of transparent sheets, Marty Cooper AKA Hombre_McSteez is on a quest to turn everyday life into an odd creature infested cartoon world. [Hombre_McSteez]