Super Mario: The Kart Awakens [Video]
A fantastic mashup of the Super Mario and Star Wars universe by Youtuber Dark Pixel. Now this is what Podracing is all about! [Dark Pixel]
A fantastic mashup of the Super Mario and Star Wars universe by Youtuber Dark Pixel. Now this is what Podracing is all about! [Dark Pixel]
Experience the cult classic whining-hipster-gamer movie that wasn’t as good as the comic books: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. [Screen Junkies]
A fantastic LEGO machine that transforms a regular sheet of paper into a paper airplane and then shoots it in the air. [Arrow FiveYearsOut]
When there’s a mug involved, a lot of people would do anything, especially for a Cthulhu mug! [Source: Owl Turd Comic | Like “Owl Turd Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Owl Turd Comic” on Twitter]
In this video, the Cooperative of Photography (COOPH) showcases the history of photography in just 5 minutes, from its first steps with the concept of camera obscura (400BC – 1040AD) to the digital revolution of today. [COOPH | Via LS]
A month ago, we featured Brian Kesinger’s delightful art that mashed the worlds of “Star Wars” and “Calvin And Hobbes” together, and since then, the artist has released plenty of other delightful illustrations following the same theme. Check ’em out! View this post on Instagram A post shared by briankesinger (@briankesinger) View this post on […]
In this fantastic comic, George Rottkamp and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly take a look at how movie studios approached superhero movies in the past versus how they do it now. [Source: Dorkly]
Now keep in mind I can see the screen of the console is Photoshopped, but all else about this (including the source) is legit, so let us assume it is real for a moment. So someone modded their laptop so it could be hold a PS4 and a XBone. Do you even understand this? Can […]
This is Chloe Bruce, who is the stunt double for Daisy Ridley (Rey) in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, with her staff. If you ever stumble upon her when she’s angry, be sure to run the other way. [Source: Star Wars Junk]
View this post on Instagram A post shared by o l i v i a (@oliviamunn) Impressive… and totally appropriate for Deadpool. [oliviamunn on Instagram]