Deadpool Opening Weekend vs. Opening Weekends of Other Superhero Movies [Pic]

Early predictions estimated that Deadpool was going to bring in between $65 and $70 million dollars on its opening weekend, but so far, the movie has pulled over $135 million, and the weekend isn’t even over yet! Can’t wait to see the final number tomorrow! The movie broke all records for an r-rated film as […]

Om Nom Nom Nom: The Deadpool Poutine Chimichanga

In honor of the release of Deadpool, Philadelphia-based restaurant Cantina Dos Segundos has released a very special dish: the Deadpool Poutine Chimichanga! We all know how Deadpool loves chimichangas, and I’m pretty sure poutine would be his thing if he ever tried one, so why not combine the two? Braised short rib, French fries, Fried […]