Deadpool Features Over 100 Easter Eggs, Secret Cameos, and References! [Video]

WARNING: Spoiler Alert! Watch all the Deadpool Easter Eggs, References, Cameos, Nods and and so on for the 2016 hit! We’re talking the appearances from the X-Men Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead plus references to Wolverine, Professor X, Cyclops and Jean Grey. Plus hints at characters you might not expect to see including multiple nods to […]

Welcome to Star Wars Episode VIII: Production Announcement Trailer [Video]

Cameras are finally rolling for the next chapter of the Star Wars saga, written and directed by Rian Johnson. Rey took her first steps into a larger world in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and will continue her epic journey with Finn, Poe, and Luke Skywalker in the next chapter of the continuing Star Wars […]