Are We There Yet? [Comic]
Yep, been there, done that, but at least it ends after about 22 hours for me when I drive down from Canada to Florida each year. [Source: Optipess Comics | Like Optipess on Facebook | Follow Optipess on Twitter]
Yep, been there, done that, but at least it ends after about 22 hours for me when I drive down from Canada to Florida each year. [Source: Optipess Comics | Like Optipess on Facebook | Follow Optipess on Twitter]
Samuel Lee from Prince Armory will never cease to amaze me. The man makes what are probably the most impressive pop culture-inspired medieval armors I’ve ever seen, and once again, he made my jaw drop today after releasing some photos of his new Man of Steel-Inspired Kryptonian Leather suit of Armor. Behold: Also, be sure […]
From DIY Prop Shop: We build so many amazing weapons and props, we wanted to offer a show where you at home could build them yourself! Follow along with our hosts as they show you how to build awesome props from all of your favorite movies & games, for under $50! This is DIY Prop […]
Apple has vowed to defy a court order to give the FBI access to files on a phone owned by one of the San Bernadino shooters. Tim Cook says that the move would threaten the security of all customers. The order involves the phone of Syed Rizwan Farook, which the FBI believes could house information […]
Watch as Chell and Gordon fight for some cake. No lies. None. [AndrewMFilms]
That’s right, Teetris. Warning: Language. [Darkk Mane]
My pals from Beat Down Boogie were at Katsucon 2016 this weekend, and as they do each year, they released a fantastic cosplay music video showcasing some of the best costumes they’ve seen at the convention. Check it out! [beatdownboogie]
I can assure you people will be finding Easter Eggs hidden in Fallout 4 for years to come. The game is massive and gamers are only just cracking the true surface and depth of this game now, weeks after release. But what about we flash back to the original Fallout to see some eggs STILL […]
An ending can pretty much set the tone for how you feel about an entire movie. Look at Wolverine Origins if you think I am wrong. Thing is, sometimes the ending to a movie you got was not what was originally intended by the writer or director. Here are some movie endings you haven’t seen […]
[Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]