Star Wars Regency Alternate Universe Art [Pics]

These fantastic illustration by The Real McGee puts the Characters from “The Force Awakens” in the Regency era. I’d totally love to see someone cosplaying these versions of the characters! For those interested, you can purchase these illustrations as prints on The Real McGee’s society 6 store. [Source: The Real McGee]

London Super Comic Con 2016 Cosplay in Pictures [Photo Gallery]

Last weekend, thanks our photographer Nick Acott, we were on location at the first convention of the year in the UK, London Super Comic Con, where we took some fantastic photos of cosplayers attending the event! London Super Comic Con was a little earlier than usual this year, so we don’t have as many photos […]

How To Lose Weight in 4 Easy Steps [Video]

A fantastic short film by Ben Berman which features Saturday Night Live’s Beck Bennett as a young man coping with a broken heart. Losing weight and getting fit has never been easier! Shed those unwanted pounds with these simple tricks your gym doesn’t want you to know about. You won’t believe what happens next! Warning: […]