Deadpool’s Hilarious Message to Academy Awards Voters

Only a few hours left for Oscar voting. Too late for a write-in campaign for an ineligible movie? — Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) February 23, 2016 Too bad Deadpool is ineligible since it was released after the calendar year of consideration! [Source: Ryan Reynolds on Twitter]

Boston Dynamics’ Next Generation Atlas Humanoid Robot is INCREDIBLE! [Video]

I, for one, welcome our new atlas robot overlords. Be sure to check out the sequence at around 1:21. Bullying that poor robot was just wrong. Robots have rights too, just like the synths in Fallout 4! :) #teamrailroad A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is specialized for […]

Free eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Creating, Managing and Securing Your Passwords (a $5 value)

Here’s a quick deal for you geeks. This deal will only be good for a limited time: The Ultimate Guide to Creating, Managing and Securing Your Passwords, a value of $5, is now free for a limited time! Find practical solutions for your everyday security needs. Password hacks are becoming increasingly common and making sure […]

Mobile Industry Bigwigs Fooled By Bogus Starbucks Wi-Fi

You’d think delegates at Mobile World Congress would be security conscious with their phones. However, one security firm says it found more than 2,000 users who fell for a pretty basic trick. Avast researchers went to Barcelona, host city for the event, and set up three Wi-Fi networks in the airport at a peak time […]