The Reason Why Doctor Doom is So Grouchy All the Time [Video]
Ouch. Seriously. Double ouch. [Adult Swim]
Ouch. Seriously. Double ouch. [Adult Swim]
[Source: Rock Paper Cynic | Like “Rock Paper Cynic” on Facebook | Follow “Rock Paper Cynic” on Twitter]
Watch as Pikachu goes on a journey of Pokéstalgia to celebrate 20 years of Pokémon in this beautiful animation by the folks over at Mashed. [Mashed]
I’m sure you’ve all seen plenty of Rube Goldberg machines on the web in the past, some of them as big as a whole warehouse. However, in this video, Seiko presents us what is probably the world’s tiniest Rube Goldberg machine, made entirely from mechanical watch parts. [Seiko Website AD Gallery]
5 funny iPhone pranks you can pull on your friends today! :) [BuzzFeedVideo]
When you hear the word “drone,” you probably think of something either very useful or very scary. But could they have aesthetic value? Autonomous systems expert Raffaello D’Andrea develops flying machines, and his latest projects are pushing the boundaries of autonomous flight — from a flying wing that can hover and recover from disturbance to […]
What is the Antibiotic Apocalypse? What is it all about? And how dangerous is it? Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell) explains. [Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell]
A fantastic series of illustrations by Deviantart user DjeDjehuti envisioning Disney princesses as “Game Of Thrones” characters: This was a silly idea I had a little while back and so became a little pet project of mine – both the world of Disney Princesses and Game of Thrones have become so culturally pervasive, and feature […]
It’s like a human-sized steam pot in which you see nothing, can’t sit, and can’t go to the toilet. But it looks really cool, so who cares, right? Ralph Morse was a stormtrooper in Star Wars episodes V and IV. He tells us what it was like to don the emblematic white armor and all […]
Learn how to make an X-Wing Starfighter from one square sheet of paper! This model is lots of fun to make, easy to fold, and looks way cooler than most other Origami X-wings out there. Learn it and teach it to your friends! (Difficulty level 50%). [How To Origami]