It’s Monday [Comic]
[Source: NHOJ Comics | Like NHOJ on Facebook | Follow NHOJ on Twitter]
[Source: NHOJ Comics | Like NHOJ on Facebook | Follow NHOJ on Twitter]
Here’s a video showing exactly why you should never do the watermelon experiment while inside your home. [Kyoot Kids | Via Neatorama]
Once again this year geeks from all around the U.S. (and the world) flocked to Downtown Los Angeles to partake in the joys of Wondercon instead of celebrating Easter. I scoured Flickr for some CC-licensed photography of the event, and as usual, there was plenty to choose from. Many thanks to Pat Loika, David Ngo, […]
Artist Natalie Bursztyn created this fabulous looking knitted Wonder Woman sweater using yarn that shimmers slightly and has made the pattern available for download for free on [Natalie Bursztyn on Ravelry]
Every other Monday, the team of blacksmiths and craftsman from “Man at Arms” build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week they’re channeling their inner warriors for a Xena: Warrior Princess build. [AWE me]
From Primitive Technology: I made this bow and arrow using only primitive tools and materials.The bow is 1.25 m (55 inches) long and shoots 60 cm (2 feet) long arrows. I don’t know the draw weight – safe to say greater than 15 kg (35 pounds) perhaps? The stave was made from a tree that […]
Taras Kul, also known as the “Crazy Russian Hacker” wanted to know what would happen to his marshmallow Peeps when placed in a vacuum chamber, so he decided to do just that. [Taras Kul]
For today’s free eBook, we’re offering you Wine Hack: Wine Education that Starts with Your Mouth Not with Your Head, a $12.99 value, for free! Wine expert Jeffery Schiller offers an insider perspective of the wine industry, and takes a new approach to wine education that involves a little less reading and a lot more […]
An ultra-high-resolution NASA computer model has given scientists a stunning new look at how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere travels around the globe. Plumes of carbon dioxide in the simulation swirl and shift as winds disperse the greenhouse gas away from its sources. The simulation also illustrates differences in carbon dioxide levels in the northern […]
From the company that desperately wants you to forget the first time they tried this, comes a game that finally lets you recreate the action figure battles you had as a kid – as long as you didn’t own any Marvel toys: Injustice: Gods Among Us. [Smosh Games]