The Problem With Being Batman’s Butler [Video]
We all know it, Alfred deserves way more credit! [Dorkly]
We all know it, Alfred deserves way more credit! [Dorkly]
Admit it, you all want to try your hand at colonizing the galaxy at one point in your lives, and here’s how you should do it. You’re welcome. [exurb1a]
[Source: A COMIK | Like “A Comik / Cannibal Comic” on Facebook]
Growing up, I was obsessed with GI-Joe, and it’s pretty safe to say that Baroness was my first fictional nerd crush (first of very many, sadly). Yes, I knew she was bad, but that made her extra hot to me. I dunno, I was a messed up kid I guess. But I know I wasn’t alone […]
From Slate: For nearly three years, Batman-starved audiences have tried to wrap their heads around Ben Affleck’s coming assumption of the role, which finally arrives this weekend in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. But there was another casting choice that felt at least as radical. Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth—Batman’s indefatigable, slightly surly right […]
Look at this animated gif of a glowing and levitating Death Star speaker and tell me you don’t want one. I dare you! I already have a Bluetooth speaker, and I want one of these anyways. Edit: For those interested the speaker is available on Amazon! [Star Wars Death Star Levitating Speaker Bluetooth Wireless Portable […]
This Merida cosplay by Anna Berten has to be one of the greatest Merida cosplay I’ve ever seen! She’s just perfect! Photo (above) by Egor Demidov. All other photos (below) credited directly on the instragram embeds. Sorry for this picspam, but this is amazing photo! Totally random photo, very upset that didn't have a whole […]
Microsoft is suing the Department of Justice to demand the right to tell users when it gives officials access to personal data. The company says forcing it to keep such searches a secret is a double constitutional violation. The case centers on the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which dates back to 1986 and extends the […]
[Source: Toonhole | Like Toonhole on Facebook | Follow Toonhole on Twitter]
Since superheroes are everywhere in the media these days, the folks from 123print have designed a series of business cards for superheroes to leave at the scenes where they do “good” deeds to distinguish themselves from each other. Check ’em out below! [Source: 123print]