New Simpsons Couch Gag Parodies IKEA Instruction Manual [Video]
This Simpsons couch gag, which aired yesterday on FOX (May 22nd, 2016,) was created to look like an IKEA instruction manual by Polish artist Michal Socha. [Animation Domination]
This Simpsons couch gag, which aired yesterday on FOX (May 22nd, 2016,) was created to look like an IKEA instruction manual by Polish artist Michal Socha. [Animation Domination]
Google says its modular smartphone Project Ara won’t be quite as modular as planned. Several key components will be non-replaceable, including the screen and memory. The original plan for Ara — or at least the concept Google initially explored — was that literally every part of the handset could be replaced, Lego style. Google has […]
A highly entertaining explanation of the universe in just 4 minutes by Youtuber Exurb1a. [exurb1a]
[Via TMP]
[Source: Lunar Baboon | Like Lunar Baboon on Facebook | Follow Lunar Baboon on Twitter]
Warning: spoilers for Captain America: Civil War. These days, Easter eggs are extremely common in movies. They are intentional inside jokes, hidden messages or references that are included for fun or, sometimes, in the case of comic book movies in particular, as a means of foreshadowing things to come.Marvel Studios does Easter eggs better than […]
Artist Daryl Mandryk created this awesome illustration portraying a Dark Side version of Yoda. Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you! [Source: Daryl Mandryk]
In partnership with actress and writer Lisa Foiles, the team over at The Warp Zone sing the original Spider-Man theme a capella style. [The Warp Zone]
As much as we may balk at the original Playstation’s graphics and gameplay now, we have to remember, it gave us games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 7, so the system was, literally, a game changer. Sadly, for every game up to Metal Gear Solid’s caliber, there were ten to twenty games that […]
[Source: Is It Canon by @RockPaperCynic and @BigSimpleComics]