Supergirl Stuntwoman Breezes Through American Ninja Warrior Course [Video]

Supergirl stuntwoman Jessie Graff was recently on “American Ninja Warrior” and went through the show’s course almost like it was nothing. She also became the first woman to finish the course! Now how awesome is that? I’ll also include the video where she reenacts the chicken/Peter Griffin fight from Family Guy below, because why not? […]

Jamie Lee Curtis Cosplayed As an Orc Shaman At The Warcraft Premiere; Yelled “Leeroy Jenkins”

Even though she’s not in the movie, actress and long time Warcraft geek Jamie Lee Curtis attended the Hollywood premiere of the Warcraft movie on Monday (along with her son, pictured above on the left) dressed as an Orc shaman. There’s even a video of her yelling “Leeroy Jenkins,” which you can watch at the […]