Free eBook: Get “Linux All-in-One For Dummies” (a $25.99 value) For FREE!

For today’s free ebook, get “Linux All-in-One For Dummies” (a $25.99 value) for free! Eight minibooks in one volume cover every important aspect of Linux and everything you need to know to pass level-1 certification. -Covers every major topic for anyone just getting familiar with Linux -Includes a test-prep section for passing the level-1 Linux […]

How Much Everyone Working On a $200 Million Movie Earns

Find out the budget breakdown of a hypothetical Hollywood blockbuster. In using the budgets actual +200MM blockbuster movies as references, this video excludes non-human costs, and reflects an approximation of the take home pay of all humans involved, based on average union rates. Disclaimer: Please note not every budget breakdown is the same, and some […]

10 Secret Movie Connections Directors Tried To Sneak By You

Shared universes are all the rage these days and have become the norm for major film studios. Whether it’s Marvel, DC, or Star Wars, interconnectivity is the name of the game in Hollywood. While these are the most obvious examples of the phenomenon, they may not have been the first of its kind. Filmmakers have […]