Do You Pronounce it GIF or JIF? No, You Pronounce it “ZHAIF” [Video]

That settles the argument once and for all… or does it? So. Whether you like it or not, when you say the word G-I-F, especially on the internet, people are gonna talk about it. Some will correct you, some will correct the people correcting you, it’s the same conversation every time. Over and over and […]

Minibus Offers 3-For-1 On Tech Trends

Think of some recent tech trends and you might name self-driving cars, 3D printing and artificial intelligence. All three have now been combined in an electric vehicle. Olli is a 12-seater self-driving minibus that’s partially operated by IBM Watson, the artificial intelligence system that famously beat two Jeopardy! champions and has since been used for […]

10 Confusing Endings from Famous Movies Explained [Video]

Warning: Spoiler alert for Civil War. Movies often end on cliffhangers or by hinting towards things to come, but sometimes those endings can be quite dense and confusing for audiences. Examples are particularly prominent in – although not exclusive to – the world of comic book movies, because the endings will often hint towards new […]