Civil War: Move Just One Match to Fix the Equation [Pic]
[Via Memebase]
[Via Memebase]
For the next few days, we’re offering you the Nagios Monitoring Handbook for free! Nagios, now known as Nagios Core, is a free and open source computer-software application that monitors systems, networks and infrastructure. Nagios offers monitoring and alerting services for servers, switches, applications and services. It alerts users when things go wrong and alerts […]
Humans. We have been around for a while now. When we think about our past we think about ancient civilizations, the pyramids, stuff like that. But this is only a tiny, tiny part of our history. For those interested in learning more about the origins of humanity, be sure to read Sapiens: A Brief History […]
From Thinkgeek: Caffeine. It makes us light up. It excites us. The thought of that first cup of coffee can really get us moving in the morning, literally and figuratively. Much as caffeine particles pass into our bloodstream and make us bounce off walls, so, too, the particles from solar winds pass through the Earth’s […]
In this video, youtuber “Real Engineering” teaches us all about how steam engines work and how they have improved over the years. [Real Engineering]
I just stumbled on this funny new webseries by the folks over at Viva La Dirt League that stars an NPC that suddenly starts being self aware. The first four episodes are pretty funny, so be sure to check ’em all out below! [Viva La Dirt League]
After inventing a couple of devices that turned him into various superheroes (Wolverine, Magneto), mad scientist Colin Furze is now back with something that will transform him into a real life version of Ice Man! [Colin Furze]
Here’s your dose of cuteness for today. You’re welcome. [A Resposta]
Ok, I have to say that this is my own personal opinion, but most people on the web seem to agree: The new Ghostbusters theme song by “Fall Out Boy” (ft. Missy Elliott) is pretty bad. I’ll let you guys listen, and then, let me know in the comments if you enjoyed it or not! […]
Cats are mysterious creatures, so I’m not really surprised that shaman cats are actually a thing. [iloveanimalschannel | Via Geekologie]