Back to School vs. Back to Work [Comic]
Labor day is over, now whether you’re working full time or are still studying, we all need to get back to work. [Source: Justin Boyd – Invisible Bread]
Labor day is over, now whether you’re working full time or are still studying, we all need to get back to work. [Source: Justin Boyd – Invisible Bread]
The house from UP is real! I feel like my soul just grew a little more content in knowing that. I know this may be older news to some of you, but I never knew it happened, and didn’t know it existed, and in finding out, my first thought was I wanted to share it. So […]
Mark Day covers “Burning Man” pretty much every year, and once again this year, he was on site to film some of the craziness happening at the event. [Mark Day]
A fun rock version of the Inspector Gadget theme by [GAS] friend The Human Tim. [The Human Tim]
Public bathrooms are teeming with microbes! You know to wash your hands, but when choosing between a hand dryer or a paper towel to dry them off— what’s your cleanest bet? [SciShow]
[Source: Ellis Comics on Tumblr | Adam Ellis Comics on Facebook | Follow Adam Ellis on Twitter | Adam Ellis (Official)]
You may have heard that chocolate is high on the list of things that dogs should not be eating, but have you ever wondered why? One molecule, theobromine, is the central culprit to chocolate’s toxicity to dogs. Today Reactions is taking a closer look at the stuff, how much is too much, and also give […]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | It’s The Tie! | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook]
Tattoo by Tyler Nolan, at Vatican Tattoo Studio in Ft. Lauderdale FL [Source: FYeah Tattoo | Via FG]
Scientists have found fossils that show life appearing on Earth much earlier than we thought. Meanwhile, could there be a new fundamental force? [SciShow]