Lost in Light: Video Shows the Effect of Light Pollution (From Level 8 to Level 1) [Video]

Lost in Light, a short film on how light pollution affects the view of the night skies. Shot mostly in California, the movie shows how the view gets progressively better as you move away from the lights. Finding locations to shoot at every level of light pollution was a challenge and getting to the darkest […]

When Super Mario’s Princess Peach Meets Borderlands [Cosplay Pics]

Cosplayer Helena Steele got up one day and wondered what would happen if Princess Peach would be a Borderlands characters. She then decided that this would need to be a thing and came up with this costume! Une photo publiée par Helena Steele (@helenasteele) le 23 Mai 2016 à 9h26 PDT Une photo publiée par […]

8 FREE eBooks for Programmers!

For all you programmers out there, here are a few ressources you might want to check out as part of our free ebook list for today! –Java Design Patterns: Reusable Solutions to Common Problems A design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. A […]

Star Wars: Flash Mob Lightsaber Battle at the Beach [Video]

The greatest Flash Mob Lightsaber Battle of all time (which just happens to take place on a beach in Australia in a galaxy far, far away). This collaborative project between Vidgeo and Adrian Van Oyen brings with it an ensemble of cameos, Easter eggs and enough special FX to make George Lucas proud. Cast of […]