The Hidden Treasure [Comic]
[Source: Charlie Higson – Heck if I Know | Like “Axby Magazine” on Facebook]
[Source: Charlie Higson – Heck if I Know | Like “Axby Magazine” on Facebook]
The Arvo brothers have been creating Alien themed LEGO characters and scene for a long time, and now, they’ve updated their iconic Alien Chestburster design to make it even better! [The Arvo Brothers | Via NA]
[Source: Reddit]
Bill & Britt Doran from Punished props are known in the cosplay world for their amazing props and costumes, and once again, they went above and beyond and created a Mechanist armor from Fallout 4 that looks EXACTLY like the one featured in the game. Please note that the photo on top and the first […]
Amazon has dropped the price of its Echo Dot – already a budget version of the Echo voice control system – from $90 to $50. It’s also offering bulk discounts with the idea of people filling their homes. The full-sized Echo device appears to have become established despite being somewhat awkward to describe and promote. […]
[Source: Clueless Hero | Like “Clueless Hero” on Facebook]
A fantastic video by “Real Engineering” explaining why transistors are probably the invention that most changed the world, ranking it even above the mastery of fire! [Real Engineering | Via LS]
Thinkgeek used to sell this thing for about $30 many years ago, but unfortunately, I haven’t seen it for sale online in a long, long time. [Via thatweirdguyoverthere on Imgur]
My pals from Sneaky Zebra have just released their cosplay music video for Dragon Con 2016! Check it out! Dragon Con – an amazing gathering of cosplayers and geeks a like having one hell of a party! [Sneaky Zebra]
Even though Deadpool isn’t featured in Captain America: Civil War, Youtuber Zach Ace thought the character should make an appearance in the film, so he decided to include him. Check it out! [Zach Ace]