Amazing Deal: Compact 5000mAh Power Bank for Just $5.99, Save Big on Insanely Powerful Flashlight + Other Deals

If you’re looking for an insanely cheap (and well reviewed) power bank, the KMASHI 5000mAh power bank is currently priced at just $5.99 on with promo code AM8MQ8GY (at checkout.) –KMASHI 5000mAh Power Bank – $39.99 $5.99 (Use Promo Code AM8MQ8GY at Checkout) For our second deal, get the Anker LC130 LED Flashlight (1300 […]

WANT: Beautiful Star Trek Encyclopedia with Signed Bookplates

If you’re a Star Trek fan (or if you know one!) this beautiful Star Trek Encyclopedia is a must-have! In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the classic show, a fully authorized revision of this popular reference companion has been produced: a two-volume encyclopedia featuring a completely new design, stunning new full-color photographs and illustrations, […]

How Do Insects Survive the Winter? [Science Video]

Insects appear small and fragile, but have you ever wondered how the little critters can survive through winter? Check out this episode of the Scishow to find out how! From the SciShow: Birds fly south, humans bundle up, but what do insects do to survive the winter? From creating antifreeze-like alcohols to burrowing in the […]

What Really Happened with Typhoid Mary, The Infamous Typhoid Carrier from the Early 1900

In this episode of the SciShow, host Michael Aranda tells the story on the infamous Typhoid Mary, the typhoid carrier that had a job as a cook and infected over 50 people in the course of her lifetime. Typhoid Mary was twice quarantined by public health authorities and spent nearly three decades in isolation before […]

Oculus Rift To Work With Cheaper PCs

Oculus Rift will now run on lower-spec computers thanks to a feature the company dubs asynchronous spacewarp. It will mean a slightly less impressive experience is available on much cheaper machines. One of the big drawbacks of the virtual reality system was that not only does the headset cost $600, but the original minimum specs […]

Westworld is Just Like Jurassic Park, But With Robot Cowboys [Video] Imagine a movie or tv series that is populated with things from the past that eight year olds love: Dinosaurs or Cowboys. In this video, College Humor takes a look at some of the similarities between Jurrasic Park and Westworld, the new HBO show that premiered last month. I still haven’t started watching Westworld […]

A Tribute to Cinematic Space Trips (1902 – 2015) [Video] Created by filmmaker Daniel Mcilwraith and Fandor Keyframe, this supercut tribute pays homage to the past 113 years of cinematic space trips, from Georges Méliès’ 1902 French silent film “A Trip to the Moon,” up to Ridley Scott‘s The Martian from 2015. For those interested, I’ll include the full list of movies below: 1902: […]

Dorkly Comic: Harry Potter Schools vs. Real High School

A comic by George Rottkamp and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly that takes a look at some of the differences between the schools in the world of Harry Potter and the ones in our world. Unfortunately, Hogwarts isn’t real, because I’m fairly sure that the highschool experiene there would be a lot more interesting than the […]