This Awesome Poster is Packed with References from Sci-Fi Classics

This amazing illustration, titled “The Raid” was created in a collaboration from artists Josan Gonzalez and Laurie Greasley and is currently on display at the Hero Complex Gallery in Los Angeles (from November 18 to December 4.) If you cannot see it in person, the piece is also available for purchase as a print (8 […]

ATTRACTION: A Russian Sci-Fi Movie Featuring an Alien Invasion [Trailer] A trailer for an upcoming alien invasion movie from Russia. I hope this one will get dubbed in English because the story looks intereting, and it seems to be a little different compared to what we usually see here in North America. Attraction is planned for release in Russia and China on January 26th, […]

FANTASTIC BEASTS – Easter Eggs & Harry Potter Connections [Video]

If you’re a fan of anything related to the Potterverse, you’ll definitely want to watch this super interesting episode of “Mr Sunday Movies” detailing some of the easter eggs and Harry Potter connections featured in Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them. Warning: Spoiler alert! I have to say that I really liked the movie, […]

Shame or Glory: Man Gets Shamed by GOT’s The Mountain for Buying Plastic Bottles [Video] Even though this is an ad for Sodastream, it’s a brilliant one, and features Septa Unella and The Mountain from Game of Thrones. The ad is based on the GOT episode titled “Mother’s Mercy” where Cersei Lannister has to walk naked through the streets of Kings Landing while being accompanied by Septa Unella, who […]

Virtual Reality Film Aims To Deter Drunk Drivers [360° Video]

An alcoholic drinks company has produced a virtual reality video that lets users experience a car crash from a 360 degree perspective. It’s designed to highlight the dangers of drunk driving. The video from Diageo is compatible with most of the major VR headsets on the market. It also works on the Facebook and YouTube […]