8-Bit Grooves: When Smooth Jazz Meets Video Game Music
A video featuring The Samurai Guitarist, Steve Onotera, and gaming personality Pamela Horton, presenting smooth jazz version of popular video game theme songs. [samuraiguitarist]
A video featuring The Samurai Guitarist, Steve Onotera, and gaming personality Pamela Horton, presenting smooth jazz version of popular video game theme songs. [samuraiguitarist]
[Souce: Mr. Lovenstein | Like “Mr. Lovenstein” on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
Belgian artist Adrien Noterdaem takes some of the most popular characters from well known TV series and movies and adapts them so that they look like they’re directly out of an episode of The Simpsons. Check out the whole gallery below! [Source: Simpsonized by ADN]
Did you know the majority of people do not have the internet? Or how about that the majority of Americans are overweight? And yet the majority of you is actually made up of… nothing Find out other surprising majorities in ASAP Science’s latest video! [ASAP Science]
Yep, if you’re a PC gamer, that sums the decision process of getting a new video card up fairly well. I used to be a huge PC gamer, but then life got in the way and I just chose to switch over to console gaming and get a simple laptop for work. Things are a […]
Pokemon GO gets a generation 2 update. If you’re jumping back into the huge Pokemon mobile game, here are some newer things you need to know to catch up! [gameranx]
Youtuber DrMachakil takes a look at what the Daily Planet would be like if J. Jonah Jameson was running it. [DrMachakil]
Welcome to the Mass Effect: Andromeda gameplay series. In this video, learn all about combat. Battle with weaponry from an alien galaxy, outmaneuver enemies with your jump-jet, and unlock the power of Biotics. In Mass Effect: Andromeda, you are on a mission to find a new home for humanity. How far will you go? [Mass […]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook]
What if your basic at-the-office elevator ride takes a sudden turn for the dark side of gravity—could you survive it? Find out in this episode of SciShow! [SciShow]