Very Hungry Caterpillar Degrade Plastic at Record Speed

Researchers have found a type of caterpillar can breakdown one of the worldโ€™s most common plastics much faster than previously seen. It could be a step towards dealing with water pollution. The creature in question is a waxworm, the caterpillar larvae of a wax moth and an enemy of beekeepers as itโ€™s a parasite in […]

A NES Style version of Zelda Breath of the Wild [Video + Demo]

From Micropig Gaming: I’m working hard on the next version of Breath of the NES, my Zelda fangame 😊 Now including a ton of graphical improvements and gameplay improvements! If you prefer a classic NES style look, though all of the visual effects can be turned off! I’m also currently looking for some help doing […]

Adam Savage Walks Incognito as Chewbacca (Wearing C-3PO) at Silicon Valley Comic Con

For this year’s Silicon Valley Comic Con, Adam goes incognito in one of his favorite cosplays–Chewbacca! This upgraded Chewie is a bit different than the Wookiee costume he wore a few years back, with a new bandolier, bowcaster, and mask. Plus, Adam rigs up an animitronic C-3PO to wear on his back, complete with custom […]

How Cyclops Became The Most Hated Marvel Character (And a Really, Really Lousy Lover)

As one of the original Uncanny X-Men back in 1963, Cyclops had a ton of potential. He’s always been a key member of the mutant squad, and his eyes can basically punch things, so you’d think that would warrant a little more respect around the Marvel Universe. But comic book writers have done a pretty […]