How Earth was Created (And What Went Wrong) [Comic]
[Source: According to Devin | Like “According to Devin” on Facebook]
[Source: According to Devin | Like “According to Devin” on Facebook]
Here’s a brief look at the history of one of comics most enduring legends, Wonder Woman! [Kaptainkristian]
For those of you who have cats and are in love with pop culture franchises such as Doctor Who or Star Wars, I’ve got just the thing you need for your feline friends: Geeky cardboard houses! These elaborate cardboard creations are made by Etsy seller CacaoPets and are themed around things all geeks love! Here’s […]
[Source: The GaMERCat | Like “The GaMERCat” on Facebook | Follow “The GaMERCat” on Twitter]
From Cinefix: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is out this Friday, so we decided to do our own Vol. 2 on TYDK. Test your nerd prowess with today’s episode, and let us know if you’d want to see a Vol. 3! [CineFix]
From Cracked: Sure, you can buy two 20-gallon drums of mayonnaise for the price of one at your local Superstore, like the crazy person you are. But at what cost to your local community? [Cracked]
I already have some Star Wars tiki mugs, but if you’re more a fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, you’ll totally love these! Let these Marvel box office favorites protect you from the Terran evils of scurvy and malaria with these Guardians of the Galaxy Geeki Tikis. They come as a set of […]
Do NOT listen to the lies! Readheads are awesome. Two of my three kids are readheads. We rock. [TV Guide on Youtube]
Elon Musk wants a network of subterranean city tunnels carrying cars around at 130 miles per hour. But the project is moving ahead about as quickly as a pet snail he cited. Late last year he tweeted “Traffic is driving me nuts. Am going to build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging…” For […]
From Man at Arms: Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, the guys at Baltimore Knife and Sword take on Gamora’s Godslayer from Guardians of the Galaxy! [Awe Me]