Pikachu Suffers Terrible Tragedy During Group Dance Routine [Video]

A new shopping mall called “Triple Street” was recently opened in Songdo, Korea, and to celebrate, a Pikachu group dance routine was presented to visitors. Unfortunately, something rather unfortunate (and funny!) happened around the 1 minute mark. Here’s a second video of the event: [Green Lime | Via Neatorama]

The Last Light Before Eternal Darkness – White Dwarfs & Black Dwarfs Explained

One day, everything will end, even the universe. But before that happens, stars will start dying one after the other. The last ones to remain will be white dwarfs, the corpses of stars, which will continue burning for a long, long time before finally becoming Black Dwarfs. [Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell]

Anovos to Release Official GOTG Vol. 2 Star-Lord Jacket (Pre-Order!)

Sure, there’s plenty of people selling unlicensed Star-Lord jackets online, but thanks to Anovos, you can now purchase an official “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” Star-Lord jacket replica (Pre-Order). Sure, $575 might be a little pricey, but we’re talking about a replica that was created using the original patterns from the movie here. I’ve […]