The Differences Between a Crocodile vs an Alligator

For most people, this represents the differences between crocodiles and alligators quite well, but for those who want to know the real difference, here’s the official version according to live science: Snout shape: Alligators have wider, U-shaped snouts, while crocodile front ends are more pointed and V-shaped. Toothy grin: When their snouts are shut, crocodiles […]

The Force is Strong with This ADORABLE Vader Tie Fighter POP! Figure

Look at this guy. LOOK AT HIM: Isn’t he ADORABLE sitting in his itsy-bitsy tie fighter looking like a 4-year-old playing in his backyard? For those interested, the “Pop! Deluxe! Star Wars Darth Vader in Tie Fighter” will be available exclusively at TARGET mid-June. And if you just want the vader figure alone, you can […]